Toku huarahi whakatupu: My growth pathway.

Ko te hōhonutanga o te kaupapa, ko te reo o to tatou tupuna mai ki ngā whakatupuranga o te kura o Tautoro.

Marau ā-kura is a framework for learning and teaching that is both aspirational and achievable. It recognises ākonga as learners and decision makers, and empowers the identity, culture and language of all.

This year our te reo programme will continue to engage students in learning and assessments of all literacy areas Korero, Panui and Tuhituhi. 

Taku Moemoea: To create authentic ideas and opportunities for tai tamariki to engage in korero in and around our kura.
Reward systems / Role-play / Expectations of students to reply i roto i te reo / 
Puppets, Roleplay, Korero lessons
Teacher guidance of how to use what you have learned.
Ataarangi allowing students to work independently to create dialogue.

To develop our literacy progressions and assessment folders for Tautoro school.
Korero: Hopukina is available
             I want us to decide what? and how? we would like to assess the reo korero. 

Panui Haere: is available.
          Im in progress of creating a folder of pukapuka and patai for tautoro school. (need time to do this)
          Add Ngāpuhi pukapuka to the folder

Tuhituhi: Progressions have been set. 
                Will revise with our team to see how they are going at tuakana hui.
To support, encourage and build the level of reo for our tuakana kaiako. 
1. Seek Kaiako Professional development i roto i te reo.
2. Korero i roto i te reo i ngā wā katoa.
Ataarangi conversational in syndicate meetings 10 minutes.




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