Through making Connections and having Discussions.
Building relationships is fundamental to the development of te reo Māori at Tautoro school.
Making connections with our local kura kaupapa who takes in some of our Tautoro students helps us to see what our akonga will need to know to be better equipped for kura.
I met with the middle school team leaders to korero about the assessment indicators and levels they were using in their school. I was encouraged to know that we used the same processes and learned that we face similar challenges for gathering and reporting data.
The Manaiakalani reo Māori team whom Tracey and I met with and had great discussions on how they can provide support for our school in a range of areas. We talked about what we are doing now, what support we are looking for and how they can help in the future .
We have applied to have PLD with Chrissy Ward from Kia Ata Mai Trust. A brief meeting with her shed light on removal of whanaketanga National Standards and the redesigning of te Marautanga o Aotearoa document. Also an introduction to the framework 'Te Tamaiti Hei Raukura'.
Chrissy has a kete full of knowledge and support that will help us design a local curriculum for our akonga of level 2 Maori immersion. She informed us of the changes and the look forward. She has also shared a tuhituhi site created by her and her writing team Kia ata Mai with progressions for tuhituhi.
Our first PLD will begin with a session on 25th August 2022. This is exciting because our team need to have that professionalism alongside us to help guide and develop our program just as English has many providers that support them. We will be focusing on Tuhituhi.
Kia Ata Mai Trust Chrissy Ward.
Te Kura Kaupapa Maori o Kaikohe: Year 5-6 Rawiri Cowan, Sheree Hogg.
Manaiakalani: Makaore
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